Equine Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy sessions are beneficial whether you're a leisure horse owner or a competition horse owner, to ensure any musculoskeletal issues or problems are detected at an early stage to prevent further compensatory issues arising. This ensures your horse is comfortable and can perform optimally throughout their ridden career. As horses have an innate ability to mask pain by adapting their gait and posture, it can be difficult to notice problems, especially when you see your horse everyday. If left unaddressed for a long time, these compensatory musculoskeletal issues may lead to chronic problems limiting their performance.
Signs your horse could benefit physiotherapy:
Changes in temperament/behavioural changes
Resenting being tacked up especially when putting the saddle on/girthiness
Resenting and restless when mounting
Poor transitions
Development of bucking/rearing/napping when ridden
Poor canter transitions/disunites/favours a lead leg/ incorrect canter strike off
Struggles with flying changes
Reluctant to work on the bit/head shaking/head twisting
Taking shortened strides before fences/knocks/poor technique/refuses/favours landing on LF/RF/ consistently not taking off symmetrically behind
Stiffness on one rein/inability to bend correctly
Poor hind limb engagement, struggles to lift throughout the back and wither (hollowing posture).
Heavy and on the forehand
Saddle slip
How I can help:
Release musculoskeletal restrictions, improving overall joint range of motion and function.
Highlight and address problematic issues which may be limiting your horse's performance.
Release, realign and encourage correct muscle development and posture.
If your horse has suffered an injury or has a diagnosed MSK condition I can provide a tailored rehabilitation exercise programme specific to your horse to help facilitate functional recovery.
Manual therapy techniques
Myofascial release
Joint mobilsations
Passive joint range of motion
Eletrotherapeutic modalities
H-Wave Therapy
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
Exercise therapies
Weight re-distribution
Active joint range of motion
Dynamic joint mobilisations​
Dynamic stretches
Proprioception enhancement
Therapeutic Exercise Sessions
Many of my equine home exercise programmes will involve exercises that need to be carried out effectively and correctly. I am offering sessions to help carry out the prescribed home exercise programme with you and support you, as well as ridden sessions when appropriate to gain greater insight into your horse’s way of going under saddle. This means I am able to make a more effective home exercise plan tailored specifically for you and your horse, and I would be able to advise and demonstrate to you how to improve function through therapeutic exercises both ridden and unridden.